How Long After Unprotected to Get Tested for STD

How Long After Unprotected sex to Get Tested for STD? Read this in-depth analysis and guide to clear your doubts.

time for std testing after unprotected sex

This concept might convert into a big confusion for who hasn’t heard it or read it before, but is going to be explained right here and right now.

It is called a Testing Window to the time lapses which can be marked as the correct ones to do the STD testing. These testing windows are conformed by an incubation period and are right there, in that period, the body is more suitable to show a precise result. This consists of a beginning – progress – conclusion date.

So, we can say the testing window is going to be your guide to determine when to do it and when should not; works as an essential tool for your sexual treatment.

The Right Time to Test for STDs after Unprotected Sex

Once you had unprotected sex and suspect about the actual state of your health, the correct thing to do is to protect yourself from knowledge. The “right time” it is an uncertain moment and that question cannot be answered in only one way but with many: It depends on the individual who wants to take the test and which STD is trying to avoid/ detect.

Although they right time is something a bit complicated to calculate, there’s actually an estimated time for each of the most known sexually diseases:

–    Chlamydia – 24 hours – 2 weeks [How Long Can you have Chlamydia without Knowing]

–    Gonorrhea – 2 days – 1 week

–    Herpes: 2 weeks – 3 months

–    Hepatitis B: 3 weeks – 2 months

–    Hepatitis C: 6 months to get tested

–    Syphilis:  3 – 6 weeks

–    HIV(early detection): 9 – 11 days. Antibody testing: 3 – 6 weeks

Best Ways to Get STD Tested at Home

The “when to do std testing after unprotected sex” is clear now, but now we have to discuss the best “ways to do It”.

The current world where we live is abundant with progress and sadly, on diseases. Every existing field, including the medical one has being approaching more and more to this progress and the things that were hard or even impossible before, in the present they became the purest reality.

Let me tell you that online testing is not something of the future but of the NOW: Not more expensive and long-lasting exams or treatments that could only impact negatively on your body.

Today, we pick two of the best options to test any risky STD at home, for you to avoid the shame or discomfort and start to prevent the follow up of many diseases that affect worldwide. Please take into account that any product that is not FDA approved should not be trusted. This annotation does not apply as a marketing tool but as security verification. [Find Medichecks review here]

They work as guides for the customer to follow, placing him/her in the nearest clinic or lab for a couple of questions to be done. After the short answers are written, recommendations are going to follow.

The Q&A exam is an effective way for the doctors to get the information they usually don’t receive at realizing this kind of test. So let’s say STDTestExpress team makes sure that you rely on professionals hands.

Despite its verified accuracy and quick testing delivery, STDTestExpress doesn’t provide the prices of the different test until the nearest lab has been selected, sometimes presenting disconcert between some customers with low resources.

Similar to the previous one, STDCheck is a platform that works as a right hand with the biggest international health entities. Their primary objective is to reach the higher amount of public to raise maximum STD awareness and treat them correctly to prevent future problems.

If you aren’t able to get directly to the doctor’s office, STDCheck will help you sending you the custom test package you need – an easy, fast and cheap option to treat almost every STD. It is the best online destination to buy an over the counter at home Herpes test kit.

Hope you got answer of How Long After Unprotected to Get Tested for STD question. In case of any query, please your comment here. I will try to reply as soon as possible.

Originally posted 2017-11-20 10:59:01.