When Do Symptoms of STD Start Appear?

How Long Does It Take for an std to show up? and When Do Symptoms of STD Start Appear? are the most common question after having unprotected sex.

An STD or a “Sexually Transmitted Disease” represents a big threat for your own sake even when their symptoms aren’t usually visible but possible of being diagnosticated. Are you sure it’s an STD and not an STI? Both sound very familiar but actually, they are not the same thing.

When Do Symptoms of STD Start Appear?

An infection or in this case, an STI is used to also denominate this term, a sexually transmitted disease but is more like the previous step to develop into something more aggressive, meaning that it can be suppressed if is treated at time.

With both terms cleared, we can now establish correctly a list of the most common STDs and possible symptoms.

Types of STDs and Symptoms

when do std symptoms start showing?

  • Chancroid and Chlamydia: We start with the Chancroid, a Bacterial Infection that can only be spread by sexual intercourse and as any other infection, can be treated with antibiotics. Women frequently do not present symptoms but men possible do so. Maybe the worst that could happen is to let the surrounding tissue to die and infest the rest of skin for a far worst damage. You can have chlamydia without knowing it, so it is better to test at home to clear your doubts.
  • Gonorrhea: In this case, symptoms aren’t necessary, just be aware of any apparition in a 10 days period. In the few possible cases, males will feel inflated testicles and females suffer from vaginal bleeding. This is one of the most common STDs overall and the good news is that, is totally treatable.
  • Herpes: Probably have you heard of Herpes before, right? Well, this is also one of the most common types of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and sadly, there’s any cure for it. Maybe the biggest sign of Herpes result on various sores over the genital and anal area, which is known for being weaker every time they appear, meaning that the first signs might be the worst.

How to Test for STD at Home?

Although this option may seem like the optimal one, is not often as perfect as it looks like. First of all, you need to know that there is a lot of STD testing products that don’t actually work how they seem to appear.

It’s understandable that some persons prefer to do all kind of test in their own home privacy instead of visiting any medical building but not everyone presents the conditions to take this trip to the needed place; the lack of money and time are the main reasons why people consider this alternative.

For those who desire to take care of themselves in their own houses comfort, I recommend to check out the STDCheck.com kits, essential for the control of your sexual life and health.

Why do I recommend it?  STDCheck.com offers one of the easiest to use, cheapest to buy and effective of all testing systems. Receive an almost immediate result of over 10 different types of possible sexually transmitted disease with discretion – No exposure between the company and any other entity as your insurance.

You are able to test one of the following infections individually:

But the 10 Test Panel package takes another step and for only $198.00 you can test all of them at the same time.

Bottom Line

When we talk about a sexually transmitted disease is sure that we refer to a serious issue and you should consider the support of a professional for your own wellness.

Maybe the number one symptom of an STD in both men and women is pain and burn experience at peeing. This symptom manifest in almost every existing sexually transmitted infection or disease and without a doubt, disturb the daily life of every patient.

Hope you got clear idea when do symptoms of std start? As said earlier, different STD has different time frame. If you still have any query then add your comment here.

Originally posted 2017-11-11 06:54:58.