Can You Get Chlamydia From a Toilet Seat?

can you catch chlamydia from toilet seat

Can you get Chlamydia from a toilet seat? Periodically, the answer is a capital no. You can get this disease from peter, or from Jennifer, but that does not mean that you can get it from a toilet seat. As we earlier discussed in our last article, Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted disease. (STD) which is caused by bacteria and sexual contact proves to be the only way for one to get this disease.

can you catch chlamydia from toilet seat

How do you get chlamydia?

It is not like AIDS which you could contact both from other hard objects.  When a woman vaginal fluids are infected, vaginal fluids, semen, and/or pre-cum come into contact with a secretion mucosa or placentas. The two genders Man and woman can get a connection with Chlamydia from sex, through vaginal or penis, anal or even through oral sex, but all must come from sex. However, no one can contact Chlamydia just by seating on a toilet or sharing the same toilet which an infected one sat on. You can get chlamydia in your mouth or throat and eyes too.

Can We Get Chlamydia from a Toilet Seat?

It is very mush considerable that carelessly someone can get in contact with this disease through someone else fluids, both in the toilet and in bathroom But, if you are not yet convinced, squat instead of sitting down on public toilets.  But if Chlamydia wasn’t treated it will definitely cause a hazardous teething trouble.

This, therefore, includes swelling of the reproductive system of the body, which might result in destruction or unfruitfulness. So it is very compulsory that those that are sexually active must be tested. Now the good news is that you don’t need to receive injections from medical doctors or a nurse before been tested but you can be tested by just making your urine sample available for the doctors to examine. You can also check Chlamydia from swab test. Result is accurate that the std blood test.

How to prevent the transmission of chlamydia?

This disease will be cured with antibiotics, an antibiotic is a counter bacteria, it will kill Chlamydia and make you whole again. Apart from contacting this disease or infection through birth, you can never catch Chlamydia by not performing some form of sexual act or making love with your partner. Howbeit, you don’t need to involve in a penetrative sex to get infected. Another way you can possibly get infected by these STDs is if been spread through a saturated area or a damp, such as a towel or coming close to infected areas.

You should learn to read chlamydia test result to avoid any critical problem.

In summary, the easiest ways to guide yourself against sexually transmitted diseases is just to know if your sexual partner has been tested. Getting a complete detail of his or her last sexual life, if they had been tested since they broke up from their previous partners and encouraging them to limit the number of sex, which may help them from not getting in contact with someone with this disease. When all these things are been considered, someone can easily stay free from sexually transmitted disease. Next thing is to make sure you are secured during sex in other not to make rash decisions when things get so heavy.

Test takes bit long time, so you need to prepare yourself. Make sure to that you follow all the guideline before going for test. Don’t worry at all. You won’t get Chlamydia by just seating on toilet seat. You just need to know certain thing to prevent it’s infection.

Originally posted 2016-09-20 07:00:55.

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