How Do I Know if I Have an STD or NOT?

How Do I Know if I Have an STD or NOT? What are the STD Symptoms? If you are confused and worried then you can read this page to get answer of all your STD queries.

Is It Possible to Get Tested for an STD without a Doctor’s Visit?

Despite the great campaign aimed at reducing the chance of being infected by forcing the masses to be extra cautious and have protected sex, many people live with wrong beliefs that they are completely safe. Not only is this far from the real truth, but you may also expose yourself to unnecessary risks if you make decisions based on such an attitude.

how to tell if its an std or not

If only you knew how many people in your environment have been infected with at least one sexually transmitted disease, you would probably change the way you look at others. Given that you can’t change what has already happened, you should act as a responsible member of society and get tested for STDs in case you haven’t yet. Fortunately, you have the possibility to get hiv rapid test kit in the privacy of your home and find out the results in just a couple of days – it basically can’t get any easier.

How to Tell if Someone Has an STD?

Unless you get tested for an STD, there’s hardly a way to say with certainty whether someone has been carrying a lethal infection. More experienced ones among us may be able to notice some signs and symptoms only a person who has been infected can have, which is why you should read the following part to get some useful information.

What makes sexually transmitted diseases even more hazardous is that they usually do not show any symptoms. This fact alone will make it harder for you to detect them, though it is definitely worth giving it a try. However, you’ll need to be very close to the person you’re suspecting has an STD (let’s assume that it’s your partner)in order to notice some of these symptoms:

  • Rash – In case you have rash on the hands or soles, you may be suffering from syphilis.
  • Conjunctivitis – It can be caused by Chlamydia, Gonorrhea and Herpes.
  • Throat Infection – Just like conjunctivitis, throat infection can be a sign of Chlamydia, Gonorrhea and Syphilis, as well as the HIV.
  • Flu Symptoms – Given how often an average person has flu-like symptoms, it will be extremely difficult to make a difference between the harmless ones and the ones caused by an STD.
  • Bumps on Genitals and Mouth – You’d guess this might be a serious symptom without any previous knowledge.

If you notice any of these symptoms, make sure to visit your doctor as soon as possible, even if it is a false alarm. Alternatively, you can take quick online std symptoms quiz. This is how you can easily tell that someone has STD or not.

Why Is an At Home STD Test Kit a Wise Choice?

When you take all factors into account, the safest and most reliable way to find out if you have been infected is to get tested – it is as simple as that. You can easily order a test kit on, which offers confidential testing for several types of infections (10 in total) and you can choose between individual tests and 10 Test Panels. After you’ve received your item, all you need to do is visit the closest Testing Center and find out the results in 1-2 days.

You can read my in-depth review of STDCheck before buying kit from them. It is far better than QraQuick kit. Please share your own experience too.

Originally posted 2017-04-27 09:18:59.

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