Anonymous STD Testing Near Me – Best Private Std Test

Looking for reliable and private std testing near you? Read this page to get full guide for undergoing all std tests Anonymously.

Why Do Private STD Testing Is a Good Option?

Visiting your doctor is not the best thing to do, even if you are really sick and need to seek medical help as soon as possible. Even though doctors are very likely to be very nice and unsurprisingly kind whenever you visit them, having a conversation whilst looking them directly in the eyes and explaining how you have come into a situation to be worried about whether you have been infected with a sexually transmitted disease can be a bit difficult and embarrassing.

best private std testing near me

Instead of getting in touch with many doctors and nurses throughout the entire testing process, you can opt for anonymous STD testing to keep all your personal information safe. If you do not know anything about anonymous STD testing, you will be quite surprised with how quickly you will get the results once you find out a bit more and you will ask yourself why you have never considered it as an option.

Best Anonymous STD Testing Near You and are online STD testing services that guarantee 100% satisfaction and have provided their services to more than a hundred thousand of patients ever since they began fighting against the ever-present sexually transmitted diseases. There are approximately 8,500 labs (STDTestExpress boasts around 4,000 well-equipped labs, whereas STDcheck has 500 more) in the territory of the United States alone, which noticeably increases your chances of finding one nearby.

The STDcheck and STDTestExpress are committed to protecting your personal information as the most important factor throughout the entire testing process. Both of them use a 128-bit encryption and the HL-7 interface to securely store and transmit any health data and allow for easier processing of your orders. Another security measure includes the compliance with the HIPAA (The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), which protects your information from abuse and health care fraud.

Once you place an order on the website, you get a unique ID code that helps you visit a lab and get tested for an STD without having to share your personal information or fill out any paperwork – something you’ve probably always hated doing during a regular visit to your doctor.

confidential vs Anonymous std testing

How Does Confidential STD Test Notification Tool Work?

If you happen to have recently tested positive for an STD, you can send an anonymous message to your sexual partners telling them that they should also get tested with the Anonymous STD Test Notification Tool. has created this amazing tool to help you protect other people from being infected with STDs and act as a moral and responsible person. The text message your ex partners will get is as following:

“A sexual partner has recommended you get tested for STDs. Please visit and get tested as soon as possible.”

STD Test Notification Tool works very simply by entering your partners’ e-mails or phone numbers and clicking ‘Send’. It is a great way to prevent further expansion of the disease and may even save someone’s life if used on time.

This is how you can undergo Anonymous STD Testing without showing your actual identity. It is reliable and 100% safe method.

Originally posted 2017-09-21 05:46:18.

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