Home HIV Test Kit – OTC Aids Test Panel

At Home HIV test kit allows you to test for the HIV Aids in the privacy of your home, without the need to visit your doctor. Since every eighth person infected with HIV doesn’t know he/she is living with a sexually transmitted disease, it is advisable to everyone to get checked at least once in life.

at home hiv aids test kit

Given the seriousness of the HIV, some people might get scared and decide not to visit their doctor; therefore they start looking for alternative solutions. One of the solutions is at home Aids testing kit, which can be bought online and gives an almost 100% accurate results.

Where to Buy At Home HIV Test Kits?

An average person would open a web browser and search for some recommended sources to buy HIV test kits from. If you take your time with the search, you end up having some reliable web addresses where you should buy HIV test kits.

One of the most reliable websites where you could buy HIV test kits is www.oraquick.com. OraQuick is the very first FDA-approved oral swab test for HIV 1 and HIV 2. It requires no blood sample and has been enjoying high popularity among the healthcare professionals for 20 years.

If you’re too lazy to order STD test kits from Walmart, CVs and Walgreens likes stores then you can always buy them from trusted websites such as STDCheck.com and Amazon. I would suggest you to go STDCheck as they are selling STI panel since last decade, while Amazon is marketplace where anyone can sell anything. So possibility is high that you might get harmful product or something that won’t work from Amazon. Selection of std home test kits on these two may not be as wide as on the websites focused primarily on medical equipment, but they’ll surely meet your needs.

How Do OTC Home HIV Test Kits Work?

If you are aware about the process to test chlamydia at home then you can easily test yourself for Aids too. Home OTC HIV test kits are based either on a blood or a swab sample. If you’re required to take a swab sample, simply swipe the test swab over the upper and lower gums once and insert it in the test tube provided by the test kit maker. Your results should be ready in 20 minutes.

In the case your test kit is based on a blood sample, process is a bit different. The package itself should be slightly different than the swab-based test kit. First you need to open Alcohol Prep and clean your finger with it. Massage it slowly so blood can accumulate at the tip of the finger. Then push in the knob, twist it and take it out of the lancet. Then place the lancet at the fingertip and press the trigger to stab in the finger. After you’ve done so, collect one or two drops of blood using pipette. Place the blood sample into the projected area on your kit. Open the cap of the small bottle that came bundled with your kit and place a few drops into the same area. Your results should be ready in 10 minutes.

Above method may not apply for any chlamydia free test kit by post. You should check my previous post for same.

Why Should You Go for the OCT Aids Test Kit?

As mentioned above, many young people decide to over the counter test for HIV in the privacy of their homes because they are too scared to share their problem with their surroundings. This is probably the safest, yet a reliable way, to find out if you’re HIV positive without the need to go to your doctor. However, it is always recommended to speak about your problem with your parents and friends, since they will surely know how to help you.

One can get chlamydia from oral or even by sharing toilet seat with infected person.

Originally posted 2016-12-29 09:26:57.

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