STD Testing in Tampa, FL – BEST Tampa Area STD Test Centers

Trying to find best STD Test centers in Tampa, FL area? Read this guide to find reliable std testing service provider in you area.

Tampa, Florida. Cigar city or the Lighting Capital of the World is where STD’s don’t prevail;that might seems weird but is just a good sign of general health.

The reason for this low STD rate is thanks to the attention directed to the root of the problem; the detection itself. Tampa is responsible for having more than pretty decent amounts of Sexual Health Centers, even some of them test all STD’s for totally FREE.

STD Testing and Sexual Centers in Tampa FL

Still, it is worth to mention that people from a young age – between age 15 and 19, to be more accurate – are reported of being larger carriers of all kinds of STD’s, including three of the most notorious: Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and Syphilis.

best Tampa std testing centers

Tampa’s medical facilities are fully aware of this and several policies have been applied for the sake of avoiding from this to grow. The best possible way to do it is to provide the labs to people check if there’s any STD on their body

Those days of calling the center to get an appointment for a visit stayed way back in the past. Even when they were effective, the first alternative is getting a test comfortably at home. You should also read top rated cheap STD Testing near you.

Why are STDCheck and STDTestExpress the best options for Tampa?

Online STD testing is now a reality and everyone is in their absolute right to do check themselves at any moment. Because of this, many large companies offer many great and affordable services to you to choose and be healthy. But among all, which one is the best?

This was though to answer so I will recommend not 1 but 2 different sources for online STD testing in Tampa.


Taking charge on your sexual life is one of the biggest challenges for some but now it has turned easier than anyone could think. Test, analysis and results almost instantaneously, are that easy.

This first option is brought by the one big team Medology and how it sounds; STDCheck provides a 10-Test panel where you are able to test each of all common sexually transmitted diseases with total privacy, fast delivery, and competitive pricing.

To order your desired testing kit: you must locate the FDA-approved nearest center to you by typing your ZIP code and then proceed to buy one of the testing packages available via phone or online.

If results come as positive, call at 1-800-456-2323 to communicate with professionals that are willing to help you at any moment, even to prescribe a treatment if necessary.

Price Tag: Individual Tests prices go from $24.00 (Hepatitis A, B, and C) to the $129.00 for Chlamydia & Gonorrhea. STDCheck also provides the ultimate package; test all 12 STD’S for a maximum protection. Get it right now for $198.00.

2.) STDTestExpress

This other side of the coin is famous For Tampa Bay residents and even visitors can enjoy on any day of the week. The best of all probably is not the fast delivery system nor the positive intervention from the professional but the low cost – and in times, free – services that more than 30 health centers in Tampa provide to test HIV, Herpes, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Hepatitis B, C, and Syphilis.

This is the step by step guide on how exactly works:

  • First, a medical recommendation test is taken where doctors from the Analyte Health – huge organization – will advise you for your situation
  • Second, get tested depending on the evaluation the professionals made.
  • Third, access to your results in a short period of time – 2 or 3 business days – in your private online account
  • Forth and last, communicate with the team of doctors about the results to conclude what’s the best for you.

Both options are quite great and pointing one as a favorite it would pretty trivial for people of Tampa Florida. Although, each present differences, is more than a matter of personal opinions, so let’s go and start taking care of yourself right now!

Originally posted 2018-01-04 06:40:28.